The biggest project we have going right now is the kitchen. There was a small section of linoleum in the kitchen, with the refrigerator halfway on that and carpet. Anyone else find that strange? The carpet was roughly 12 million years old. (Ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the point.)
Here's the kitchen before picture (click on the picture for a larger version). Notice the space-hogging panels above the upper cabinets. Bleck. And the dishwasher under the oven? Not staying there. Flooring, countertops, cabinet color? Not a fan. We'll change that later.
Here's the kitchen after we sanded some of the cabinets, removed the linoleum, removed the sink, and removed the cooktop. Oh, and the ugly panels up top. Opens the room up a bit, yeah?
New flooring! Who loves tile? This guy. And his wife. Not done yet, give it another day or two. Notice the dishwasher is MIA. I told ya that thing was getting moved.
So there's the kitchen progress thus far. Thoughts? Suggestions? Volunteers? You get to work with some moi caliente people; namely, my wife.
And remember, Safety Begins With Me!
Very plain before kitchen. I look forward to seeing what you do with it but what is the problem with a dishwasher under a wall oven? In the before kitchen it allowed two towers (one being the fridge) on either end with a flow of cupboards in between.